Our self guided hilchos shechita course is intended for learned individuals interested in becoming proficient in the laws of shechita for certification or high level comprehension purposes. Purchase will give you access to over 14 hours of lectures, in depth written tests corresponding to all the chapters studied in our course, a detailed study guide that sets you up for success, and optional tutoring and certification options.
The course, used by many dozens of shochtim, focuses on providing an in depth understanding of the applicable portions of Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah 1-28. All tests and lectures were created by Rabbi Dovid Shaffier, The Kosher Cut’s ® Senior Shechita Instructor, a shechita knife maker, and author of Esek HaShechita. Course materials can be accessed via the Udemy learning platform and/or through audio and text files that are shared via a USB Flash drive.